Writing Back

Writing Back # New Year to start exploring new tech and focus on a few things. AI, Machine learning, cyber security, Lower level programming languages, to name a few.Hope I will wonder what the future will bring in these trying times. The next focus or project is to write more rust programming language and a little blog or community surrounding it. The command line world and its related tools. This is a footnote for myself, and see what I can document as I don’t have a good memory, so tech will help me in that area.
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CLI Golang

CLI and Golang # For some time, have wanted to dabble a little more on Golang. After working on an intro course at ACG (A Cloud Guru) and learning Golang, I got to say it is a straightforward language with some powerful features. Creating a CLI tool with Golang has been a good experience. The language has some unique character and made with some legendary programmers in our time:
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What Is programming Really?

What is Programming # This a question for anyone now in days in today’s world, is scripting or compiling the true nature? What is programming, really? I mean their many languages. Some argue scripting is false and compiling machine code is best, but not too low or high is the battle for many developers, engineers, and coders. This paradigm is better than others etc. If you can type it and run it, it is programming as long it turns complete.
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Freq Digits

Given an integer number, find the most frequent digit in it. how to count things efficiently? keep calm and code in Python! Let use the statistics that comes with python stand library Statistic Module # This module provides functions for calculating mathematical statistics of numeric (Real-valued) data. import statistics from statistics import mode This module statistics offers a Single mode (most common value) of discrete or nominal data. The values or method to find this is to convert the vaules into a string and then back again once the frequent digit is found
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