So Linux Academy is offering a great course called Mastering Regular Expressions. After taking a few video course and video, I have to say learning more about regular expressions is more important than ever. Perhaps a few regexes (regular expressions) is fine for simple tasks, but for complex problems, having a deeper knowledge on many levels can boost your technical skill to a new level especially with the need for big data.

Regex is serving a fundamental tool for the filter, searches analyze and summarize data. In today programming languages its extremely rare for a language to not a regex engine of any kind. Let go back in history a bit, and regular expressions were also known as rational expression, which in the 1950s a man named Stephen Cole Kleene formalized the description the logical expression as a regular language.

It was a common use with Unix, Linux and Unix-like text-processing utilities such as POSIX tools, sed, awk, Perl and many others. Here is a diagram of the Translating from Thompson Kleene show as regex processor translates a regular expression

Alt Thompson kleene star

(s* means 'zero or more of s ')


Regular Expression Stephen Cole Kleene linux Academy