Exploring Sysinternals Tools

Exploring Sysinternals Tools: Sigcheck, Streams, and SDelete # Introduction to Sysinternals Tools # Sysinternals provides a suite of tools for Windows system administration and troubleshooting. We’ll focus on three notable tools: Sigcheck, Streams, and SDelete, highlighting their importance in cybersecurity. The Significance of Windows in Cybersecurity # Despite various opinions about Windows as a platform, its widespread use makes it a critical focus in cybersecurity. Understanding Windows is essential because:
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Leaving linux for BSD

Embracing BSD: A Journey Through Linux Distros to FreeBSD # Introduction # In the world of operating systems, finding the right fit is akin to a personal quest. My journey through various Linux distributions led me to FreeBSD, a choice that aligns perfectly with my needs. Let me take you through my experiences with different Linux distros and why ultimately, BSD made the most sense for me. Starting with Slackware: Laying the Foundation # Slackware was my initiation into the world of Linux.
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A Wizard’s Command Line Incantations for Enchanting C Code in Vim

A Wizard’s Command Line Incantations for Enchanting C Code in Vim # A Wizard’s Command Line Incantations for Enchanting C Code in Vim Greetings, fellow practitioners of the command line arts! Today, we delve into the mystical world of Vim, where keystrokes become spells, and code transforms at our whim. Join me as we explore a spellbinding Vim script, an incantation designed to transmute chaotic C code into a tapestry of elegance and order.
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Journey into RabbitHoleCoding: A Wizard’s Tale in the Realm of the Command Line # In the mystical realm of technology, where choices abound like stars in the night sky, embarks a brave soul on a quest named RabbitHoleCoding, or as I prefer, HellEsc. Picture this journey as a descent into the very core of the digital netherworld, delving into the abyss of bits and bytes. The Art of Command-Line Wizardry # Just as a wizard begins with the fundamentals of magic, so shall this journey commence with the rudimentary elements of computing.
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Hello Assembly

The symbols and incantations that make up the assembly-like code. Interestingly, this language for the CPU is closer to the machine code that a computer can understand, providing greater control over the hardware. Reading and writing are more challenging than high-level programming languages like Javascript or Python. The main is using a basic concept of hello world and memory stack. With Today’s AI, Cloud, and other buzz words technology stack, it’s nice to come back to the roots sometimes and see how things work on a simple level
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Writing Back

Writing Back # New Year to start exploring new tech and focus on a few things. AI, Machine learning, cyber security, Lower level programming languages, to name a few.Hope I will wonder what the future will bring in these trying times. The next focus or project is to write more rust programming language and a little blog or community surrounding it. The command line world and its related tools. This is a footnote for myself, and see what I can document as I don’t have a good memory, so tech will help me in that area.
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CLI Golang

CLI and Golang # For some time, have wanted to dabble a little more on Golang. After working on an intro course at ACG (A Cloud Guru) and learning Golang, I got to say it is a straightforward language with some powerful features. Creating a CLI tool with Golang has been a good experience. The language has some unique character and made with some legendary programmers in our time:
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What Is programming Really?

What is Programming # This a question for anyone now in days in today’s world, is scripting or compiling the true nature? What is programming, really? I mean their many languages. Some argue scripting is false and compiling machine code is best, but not too low or high is the battle for many developers, engineers, and coders. This paradigm is better than others etc. If you can type it and run it, it is programming as long it turns complete.
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Freq Digits

Given an integer number, find the most frequent digit in it. how to count things efficiently? keep calm and code in Python! Let use the statistics that comes with python stand library Statistic Module # This module provides functions for calculating mathematical statistics of numeric (Real-valued) data. import statistics from statistics import mode This module statistics offers a Single mode (most common value) of discrete or nominal data. The values or method to find this is to convert the vaules into a string and then back again once the frequent digit is found
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ssacli on Linux

SSACLI TOOL # HP Tool for linux make it easier to manage smart array controllers in HP servers. With the shell it make simple to create, delete and repair the logical and physical drives on the smart array. Two ways to use the tools # hpacucli prompt > ssacli Smart Storage Administor CLI Detecting Controllers...Done. Type "help" for a list of supported commands. Type "exit" to close the console.
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Learning C++

After dabblingly in a few programming languages like javascript, bash, and python, I finally biting the bullet and trying out C++, as low-level features and high-level abstraction, I figure this would boost my coding skills and get me closer into more development. So far, the language is not as scary as many make it be. Let touch on a few things on why C++ is good to learn. First The Community # The language itself has many followers, and many business use C++ for varies of reason.
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Aws Cloud Tools

AWS Cloud # The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful and convenient tool that allows you to manage and control your AWS services with ease. By using a unified interface, you no longer need to switch between multiple tools or dashboards to manage your cloud infrastructure. Instead, you can control all your AWS services from the command line, which provides a streamlined and efficient approach to managing your cloud environment.
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Process Substitution

In the world of shell piping, there’s a powerful technique that involves piping the standard output (stdout) of one command into the standard input (stdin) of another. However, what happens when you need to pipe the output of multiple commands? This is where process substitution comes in handy. Process substitution is a shell technique that allows you to use the output of a command as a file argument to another command, without the need to create temporary files or named pipes.
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Jumpstart Python

Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps # “The Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps Course” is a great path to get started on learning python and some of the core features. Micheal Kenndy explains each topic in details and with good examples. Python is growing, and the demand for the skill set is high peak right now. Python Jumpstart will help anyone to get started on the language. I enjoy doing these small projects.
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Bash 5.0 Release

Hello power users, the fifth release of bash is focused on new shell variables and with a lot of significant bug fixes which is fantastic!!! It also The bash was first released in 1989 and was created for the GNU project as a replacement for their Bourne shell. It is capable of performing functions such as interactive command line editing, and job control on architectures that support it comments from the mailing list
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Regex Use Cases

Regex’s some hate some love, but in the end, we all need something productive in our life. Some people hate because the mini-language can be arcane. Others love it because it adds superpowers for text processing. Learning the arcane secrets of regex can be a rough experience, but it doesn’t have to. so let do some exercises on regex like emails and IP for your everyday technical needs Finding Mailing data # extract email adresses from some file
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Linux Shell on IPad or IPhone

Hello Fellower Moles, thier is a great tools that haves a linux shell on moble devices. The new Linux command line iSH app on iPad or iPhone. With iSH Shell is a Linux shell for iOS that uses an x86 emulator to run a simplified version of Alpine Linux on IOS. You can install packages and additional software directly into iSH with the Alpine package manager. Why Alpine Linux you say?
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Mastering Regular Expressions

So Linux Academy is offering a great course called Mastering Regular Expressions. After taking a few video course and video, I have to say learning more about regular expressions is more important than ever. Perhaps a few regexes (regular expressions) is fine for simple tasks, but for complex problems, having a deeper knowledge on many levels can boost your technical skill to a new level especially with the need for big data.
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Graphical Tree File Folder

Graphical tree of sub-directories # This oneliner command is for a graphical tree of sub-directories, this is an excellent oneliner when you’re in need to view the directories in a graphical format. The tree is a recursive directory listing command or program that produces a depth indented listing of files which not generally found on all Linux or Unix systems. The first Tree Unix utility was developed by Steve Baker which includes a verbose of feature and flag option.
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Cat Command

The cat is known for reading files sequentially and display its output. it maybe be a simple command line tool, but it has many uses. cat is know a known tool throght the unix history and has been port over into GNU coreutils. One important factor about cat is that since because it does not require the files to consist of lines of text, but works with any sort of data.
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First Steps

Hello, in shell echo "Hello World,". Hello, fellow command line users. First I want to say thank you for visiting this site. This site is for anyone who enjoys working and using the command line aka shell. Soon we are going to add tutorials, talks, news, and man others thing about the command line for any who lives or loves using the command line. Gui is a great interface, but as we know the command line offers more precision and power than any other interface known to humans as this current state.
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My First Post

Hello, This is my first Post for discussing technology, and its uses started to blog to speak about the passion I have for Linux/Unix, Python and Open Source technology. I will Post my thought with no scheduled time frame, and I am thinking of adding a new post on my twitter account if you wish to follow me feel free to do so. Hope you enjoy my blog post and my thought on tech.
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