What Is programming Really?

What is Programming # This a question for anyone now in days in today’s world, is scripting or compiling the true nature? What is programming, really? I mean their many languages. Some argue scripting is false and compiling machine code is best, but not too low or high is the battle for many developers, engineers, and coders. This paradigm is better than others etc. If you can type it and run it, it is programming as long it turns complete.
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Learning C++

After dabblingly in a few programming languages like javascript, bash, and python, I finally biting the bullet and trying out C++, as low-level features and high-level abstraction, I figure this would boost my coding skills and get me closer into more development. So far, the language is not as scary as many make it be. Let touch on a few things on why C++ is good to learn. First The Community # The language itself has many followers, and many business use C++ for varies of reason.
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Mastering Regular Expressions

So Linux Academy is offering a great course called Mastering Regular Expressions. After taking a few video course and video, I have to say learning more about regular expressions is more important than ever. Perhaps a few regexes (regular expressions) is fine for simple tasks, but for complex problems, having a deeper knowledge on many levels can boost your technical skill to a new level especially with the need for big data.
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